Cancelling Your PATLive Services 

At PATLive, there is no contract required, so you can cancel your service at any time. Here's what you need to know about canceling your service: 


How to Cancel 

Simply contact our customer service team to request cancellation. They will guide you through the process. 


When to Cancel 

It's best to cancel at or around the end of your billing cycle. We do not automatically refund or pro-rate the monthly service charge that is paid upfront each month. Cancelling at the end of your billing cycle ensures you get the most out of your final month of service. 


Consider Downgrading 

Before cancelling, we recommend considering a downgrade to a lower plan instead of canceling altogether. This can help maintain some level of service while adjusting to your needs. 


30-Day Guarantee 

After you cancel, we’ll hold onto your PATLive system information, phone numbers, and scripts for up to 30 days. This means that if you decide to resume service within that timeframe, your setup will still be available. 


After 30 days, all system information, scripts, and phone numbers may be permanently deleted. If you decide to restart service after this period, you would need to start from scratch. 


The 30-Day Guarantee does not apply if you decide to port your phone number out of PATLive’s service.