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Updating Your Status

It’s easy to stay connected and in control of your call handling with PATLive's web and mobile apps. Whether you're out of the office, out to lunch, or available, you can easily update your status, ensuring our Virtual Receptionists respond appropriately to your callers.

Note: Before we can use your availability status, you must contact customer service in order to configure your call handling instructions. This lets us know how to handle the different statuses that you might select.

How to Update Your Status

With our user-friendly web and mobile apps, you can manage your status from anywhere. Here's how to update your status:

  • Accessing the App
    • Log in to the PATLive web or mobile app.
  • Changing Your Status
    • Navigate to the status update section.
    • Select your current status from the available options.


Available Status Options

PATLive provides a variety of status options to fit your needs:

  • Available
When your status is set to "Available," our Virtual Receptionists will attempt to transfer callers to you based on your call handling instructions and/or when callers request to speak with you.

  • Unavailable Statuses
There are six "Unavailable" statuses you can use to indicate different situations:
      • At Lunch
      • Away from Desk
      • In a Meeting
      • Do Not Disturb
      • Gone Home
      • Out of Office

Customizing Call Handling for Each Status

You can customize how your calls are handled for each "Unavailable" status. Here's how:

Specify Instructions
    • Inform us of how you'd like your calls to be handled for each status.
    • Our Virtual Receptionists will follow these instructions to ensure your calls are managed according to your preferences.
Examples of Custom Instructions
    • At Lunch: Take messages and inform callers you'll return their call after lunch.
    • Away from Desk: Transfer calls to voicemail or another designated team member.
    • In a Meeting: Inform callers you're in a meeting and offer to schedule a callback.
    • Do Not Disturb: Hold all calls and inform callers you're unavailable.
    • Gone Home: Inform callers of your office hours and offer to take a message.
    • Out of Office: Inform callers of your absence and provide alternative contact information or offer to take a message.

Updating your status with PATLive's web and mobile apps ensures your calls are always handled appropriately, no matter where you are. Customize your call handling to fit your needs and stay in control. For any questions or additional assistance, please contact PATLive customer service.


Related Resources

PATLive’s Web and Mobile Apps

[Infographic] How to Craft the Ultimate Call Flow

Mastering Call Handling Instructions (Blog)